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Showing posts from September, 2015

Make It Take It Tuesday - The Magic Potion

Last week I had a co-worker come in with her eye swollen shut from allergies.  I had a small bottle of this to give to another co-worker who has boys with allergies.  I had her rub a couple drops of this onto her temples, and a couple hours later she asked me where she could get some of that magic potion, as the swelling had gone down considerably.  I've begun using it daily, being that I'm allergic to Texas.  I'm carrying my rollerball with me at all times, and sharing with anyone else complaining about allergies. This is another super easy, less than a minute recipe.  Here's all you need: Rollerball bottle YL Lemon Oil YL Peppermint Oil YL Lavender Oil YL Copaiba Oil - This is optional, but it's an oil that intensifies other oils it's mixed with so I figured it couldn't hurt. Carrier Oil - I used 100% Organic Almond Oil Equal parts of each into the rollerball.  That's it!  I did 10 drops of each, and it'll last me a good while.  Y...