So I said I got a little jerk kitten for Bailey, right? Well needless to say Bailey has hated him from day one. He's just a cranky old man (14!) and he'd rather not be bothered. Jax on the other hand is a bit crazy. When I got Jake and Bailey, they were about 6 months old and so sweet. They slept all the time, they cuddled. They were the perfect kittens. I'm pretty sure Jax was broken. First, I adopted him from a rescue who gave him a clean bill of health. I took him to my vet the next day to find ring worm, and intestinal infection, and an upper respiratory infection. Oh, and he had fleas. He was a dirty little thing but he was so stinkin cute. He never sat still long enough to get any good pictures, but you can see the spot on his face and the tips of his ears where the ring worm was. This meant forcing a syringe full of gross, sticky medicine down his throat everyday for a month, and flea bombing the ho...
I know, I know. I'm not the only Polish girl in Texas, but it sure feels that way. Where are the pierogis? Why do I get looked at funny in HEB when I ask for Polish sausage? And really, a kolache is not the same as a kolacky. This blog is not only about me missing the food I grew up on, but (still) adjusting to TX, becoming a chemical free home, and my obsession with all things Sephora. Welcome!