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Where did the last year go?

Ok, so basically the last year sucked.  Last May I was sunning in beautiful St. John, USVI with my husband, brother and sister in law.  By October I was moving into my new (old) house by myself with my cat Bailey by my side.  I'm adjusting, kicking and screaming, but adjusting.  Let's catch up, shall we?

May 2016 - I found this wonderful family called Camp Gladiator.  I actually get up at 3:45am to be there.  It really is a family, and I couldn't love them more.  In Texas?  Check them out, I promise you will not be sorry.  You don't even have to get up that early.  They're in a few other states as well, and if they're not in yours, tell them you want them to be!  Or just move to Texas.  A year later and I'm still going.

Sept 2016 - Sold our house in 2 days! Then a couple days later had to put down my sweet, sweet kitty Jake.  It was so difficult.  It's still hard to think about.

Oct 2016 - Move into my new (old) house.  I'm slowly making it mine and hope to start making small improvements soon.  I do kick myself every time I have to mow the lawn though.  Why did I buy a place with such a huge yard? I also brought home a kitten for my older cat Bailey.  I thought he was lonely.  Turns out the kitten is a jerk, and Bailey was just fine.  Sorry Bailey!

Nov/Dec/Most of Jan - My least favorite time of year.  Kept busy trying to ignore it.  Late in Jan, my oldest friend died.  I don't remember a time I didn't know her, and even though we weren't super close anymore, it's still strange not being able to talk to her if I wanted to.

Feb - I think I pretty much blocked this entire month out of my mind.

March - Time to get that huge yard ready for summer.  I've never kept anything green alive in my life, so having a garden is a great idea, right!

April - Took the trek down to Key West sans the husband.  Only one breakdown in the entire week is pretty damn good.  Got some sun, ate some fish.  Mission accomplished.

So here we are. Someone told me I should keep a blog about my attempt at gardening, so I thought it was a good time to pick this back up.  We'll see how that goes!

Oh, and I located a Polish restaurant in Texas.  I haven't been there yet, but it's on the list.


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