So maybe I did save the best for last. I followed Love Your Melon on social media for awhile before I was gifted one of their beanies for my birthday. Living in Texas, there isn't a long season for needing beanies, and in the past the ones I've had I wore just as long as I had to because they would get so itchy. All that changed with this black speckled beanie. I can wear this all day long and it's so soft, it never bothers me! I love what LYM stands for. They want to put a hat on every child battling cancer. Not only that, but they give 50%(!) of their net profits to the Love Your Melon Fund to support non-profits in the fight against pediatric cancer. I went from that one beanie to I think 5 or 6 now. I had to add a couple of the lightweight beanies so I can extend my usage beyond our short winter. Did I mention all their products are made in the USA? There's really no reason to not run over and get yourself o...
I know, I know. I'm not the only Polish girl in Texas, but it sure feels that way. Where are the pierogis? Why do I get looked at funny in HEB when I ask for Polish sausage? And really, a kolache is not the same as a kolacky. This blog is not only about me missing the food I grew up on, but (still) adjusting to TX, becoming a chemical free home, and my obsession with all things Sephora. Welcome!