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A better update

If you're new here, welcome!  If you're a friend, or Insta follower, then I'm sorry for the repeats, but it'll be quick I promise.  We'll call this a mid-April resolution to keep up with the blog and see how long it lasts.  I'm not a writer by any means, and can ramble on too long or switch topics too often, but I have a lot to say.  What really brought me back was reading a blog I've loved for a long time, and getting tired of all the links going to Neiman Marcus or some $100 face serum.  What happened to the hair tutorials, day to day life, how you struggled to get through a workout, or coupon hauls?  I felt like since I was missing that, maybe someone else is too.  So you'll see a lot of that here.  Well, minus the hair tutorials because your girl can barely master a ponytail.

So what else?  I'm 5 weeks into keto, and so far so good although having someone to do it with definitely helps.  I no longer have a gym membership and solely workout at home which has gone surprisingly well. (If you don't know The Fitness Marshall and like your cardio in dance form, go now)  Still have the 2 cats.  Bailey is coming up on 16, and Jax, affectionately known as "Kitten" is almost 3 and a whopping 13.5 pounds.  He's not nearly as much of a jerk anymore either.  I deleted my Facebook awhile back and it really lifted a weight I didn't know I was carrying.  

Posts might be a quick link to a great deal, or something longer.  Time will tell where this goes.  For now, a gratuitous cat pic, because that's all I got.


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